

3 件のコメント:

  1. Video 1....Oh ho! So Zarin is getting serious about this new girlfriend! You will need to think of a name for her. If Zarin isn't careful he is going to end up with a LOT of babies :-)

    Where is Boss all this time? Does he not like ladies or do they not like him?

    By the way....I like that crawfish at the front of the tank. It has very pretty....sort of orange colored....forceps :-)

  2. Video 2....OK, in the first video I thought they were mating. But now I see they are just....um....talking, or something :-)

    But! I am still hoping for babies in the future!

    Zarin's new girlfriend is very cute, but she doesn't have very large forceps, does she? Did she lose them or am I just not seeing them?

  3. Video 3....I admit I am confused. It seems they are still just talking. Then at 1 min 3 sec Zarin goes to "hug" her and she just seems to fly away very fast. Did she jump away from him? Or did he throw her? I am not certain.

    I still like the crawfish in the front with the orange forceps :-)

    The crawfish inside the pipe on the left side has some VERY BIG forceps. I hope he is Zarin's friend!
